28 Dec Welcome to Level Coaching
Welcome to Level Coaching Forums! Take a minute to introduce yourself and share what your financial goals are.
Congratulations on taking the first step toward a brighter financial future.
Did you know that only 30% of American households have a long-term financial plan, according to consulting company Gallup? The fact that you’re taking action to set financial objectives and find more effective ways to manage your money means you’re already doing more for your future than the majority of people out there.
We know. Finding helpful and genuine advice can seem like a challenging task these days. Everything around us is programmed to lure us into a vicious circle of higher debt, more consumption, and no savings. From advertisements that make it look like getting a new credit card is all fun and games to advisors that appear to have our interest at heart when, in reality, they’re just acting in the bank’s interest.
Combine this with periods of slow economic growth, reduced job opportunities, and high inflation, and sooner than we know, we find ourselves in dire financial straits, wondering whether we made the proper plans – provided we made any plans at all!
Yet it’s never too late to turn things around and start working towards solid, achievable, long-term financial success. This is precisely what Level Coaching is here to help you do.
Take a little time to tell us more about yourself, your situation, and where you wish to go from here.
Are you not satisfied with your current income? Do you feel that, far from being the life-changing instruments you were promised, credit cards and other loans are rather an obstacle to living the life you want? Are you experiencing severe difficulties managing your spending? Are you stuck and can’t choose the right course of action to put your finances back on the right track?
Here are some common reasons why people typically seek financial coaching.
- They have accumulated too much credit card debt, making it increasingly difficult to make minimum payments.
- Their debt situation doesn’t allow them to save enough money regularly and increase their overall wealth.
- Their credit score has deteriorated over time, and they can no longer access loans at reasonable interest rates.
- They realized their monthly spending could be reduced without making significant sacrifices if only they learned how to budget more effectively.
- They find it difficult to control their spending habits, and this is damaging their finances and maxing out their credit card.
- Their financial hardships have taken a toll on their peace of mind, making them increasingly stressed and anxious.
- They realized their wealth could increase faster if they learned how to invest smartly.
- They have tried to invest before, but they had the impression that the stock market was too complex and only people with advanced knowledge and expertise could profit from buying and selling stocks.
- They wonder whether they will have enough money to retire comfortably one day.
- They want to leave a financial legacy behind for their children.
Let us know if you currently find yourself in one or more of these situations or whether you are experiencing any other type of financial issues. Many people try to put their money problems under the rug, because just thinking about them causes them emotional distress. Yet by not facing these issues head-on, they are only kicking the can down the road and getting close to the day when these hurdles become completely unmanageable.
Fully acknowledging your current financial situation is the first step to setting goals for the future and developing plans to achieve them.
Your goals may be short-term, medium-term, or long-term.
Sometimes you must put aside a certain amount of money fast for unexpected emergencies or things you plan to do in a few months. In this scenario, you need effective solutions that provide fast results. Other times, you have more time to achieve your objectives, meaning you can adopt a more gradual and step-by-step approach.
Examples of short-term financial goals include:
- reducing your monthly debt payments
- reducing your borrowing costs
- simplifying how you organize your finances
- no longer living paycheck by paycheck
- covering basic costs after losing your job
- covering unexpected medical bills
- saving money for a holiday
- separating essential expenses from non-essential ones
- cutting superfluous or redundant spending
- finding alternative providers for monthly services.
Examples of medium-term financial goals include:
- becoming debt-free
- reducing financial stress and anxiety
- improving your credit score
- saving money for a wedding
- saving money for a car
- recovering the money lost in a bad investment
- finding a job that pays more
- Improve your work-life balance
- increasing the share of income that you save each month
- paying for your children’s high education in 6 years.
Finally, here are some examples of long-term financial goals:
- buying a bigger house
- buying a holiday house
- retiring comfortably
- accumulating wealth
- learning new skills to access better jobs
- being able to help your children when they’re adult
- scaling up your business.
Many people have more than one financial goal, so it’s important to learn how to prioritize them and create plans that don’t contradict each other. It’s usually better to set a few goals and devise realistic plans that you can stick to rather than overdo things with the risk of achieving very little.
We want to hear from you. Tell us about your ambitions, desires, and dreams, as well as the practical obstacles in your way or the worries and fears that may prevent you from taking action.
Whatever your situation, there’s a path out of the woods and towards sunnier days, and we are here to help you find it.